Particularly forward-looking

Studies on water turbines

With the technical developments of recent years, hydroelectric power plants have also become increasingly complex. An essential prerequisite for the success of a project, i.e. the proper use of facilities, is the acquisition of extensive knowledge. In order to ensure this, our employees have in-depth know-how and many years of experience. Take a look at our references and find out with which studies we have already met the high quality requirements of our customers.

Are you interested in our services?  

Every hydroelectric power plant poses new challenges. The experts at Stellba Hydro have your project under control until the end. You can rely on us.

Contact us now >

Stellba Hydro GmbH & Co KG  I  Eiffelstr. 4  I  D-89542 Herbrechtingen  I  Tel. +49 7324 96 80 0  I  Fax +49 7324 96 80 66  I  E-mail: